Segnalazione: Computer Games between Text and Practice

È disponibile online un numero speciale della rivista dell’Associazione italiana di studi semiotici completamente dedicato ai videogiochi.

Non mi azzardo a recensirlo perché non l’ho ancora letto e mi limito a riportare la lista con gli autori che hanno collaborato e con i titoli dei loro articoli:

by Dario Compagno and Patrick Coppock

section one
Playing Games:
from Cooperation to Interaction

Gabriele Ferri
Interpretive Cooperation and Procedurality.
A Dialogue between Semiotics and Procedural Criticism

Otto Lehto
The Collapse and Reconstitution of the
Cinematic Narrative: Interactivity vs Immersion in Game Worlds

section two
Which Role for Narrativity in
Computer Games?

Jack Post
Bridging the Narratology – Ludology Divide.
The Tetris Case

Alessandro Catania
Les Jeux sont Faits! Immersiveness and
Manageability of Game Narratives

section three
Revisiting Enunciation:
Embodied Players

Agata Meneghelli
Simulacral and Embodied Enunciation in
Computer Games

Adriano D’Aloia
Adamant Bodies. The Avatar-Body and the
Problem of Autoempathy

section four
Temporal and Spatial Features of
Virtual Environments

Mario Gerosa, Jennifer Grace-Dawson
Chronology and Historicization in Virtual
Worlds and Video Games

Joaquìn Siabra-Fraile
Manic Miner under the Shadow of the
Colossus: A Semiotic Analysis of the Spatial
Dimension in Platform Video Games

Alex Wade
Spatial Typologies of Games

section five
Authorship and Game Creation

Marco Benôit Carbone
The Adam of Videogames. From Invention to
Authorship through the Analysis of Primordial

Filippo Zanoli
Logos Language in Richard Garriot’s Tabula
Rasa: an Analysis of Symbols, Semantics and
Textual Implications

Collegandovi al sito ufficiale del progetto troverete i link a tutti i PDF già pronti per la stampa.

Purtroppo per chi non legge bene l’inglese, la maggior parte degli articoli sono nella lingua di Gascoigne, anche se qualche saggio in italiano c’è.


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